Ten random things that make me happy

This was the topic of one of Renaissance Guy’s posts at his Significant Pursuit blog today, and he suggested it as a good list to make. Since I had nothing particular in mind to post I thought this was as good an idea as any.

Chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven, with a glass of cold milk

Figuring out a difficult word in a crossword puzzle without having to look at the answers

Walking outside into a warm sunny spring day

Seeing my autistic son accomplish something he hadn’t thought he could do

Settling down with a good book and knowing I can read it without feeling guilty about work I’m not getting done

Talking to God and having a sense that it’s a real conversation instead of leaving a message on a celestial answering machine

Getting on the scale and seeing I’ve lost another pound

Getting an email from my friend Ruth in Pennsylvania

Waking up and realizing I don’t have to get up yet and going back to sleep

Listening to the St. Louis Jesuits’ album “Earthen Vessels”

2 Responses to Ten random things that make me happy

  1. renaissanceguy says:

    Very nice. I can relate to several of the things you listed.

    I wanted to let you know that the stupid message about navigated away from the page is usually bogus on here. Click OK, and you will be able to keep editing. It has happened to me several times.

  2. Godfather says:

    I can’t believe I forgot cookies on my list…now I have to start over!

    Godfather (theslowbleed.com)

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